I don't recall the story or the circumstance, but the words still ring in my ears with tremendous importance. The person speaking said:
"You must be the kind of person your spouse
and family think you are." ~ Unknown
That resonated because at that time I felt like I was missing the mark in a few different personal relationship areas. It is quite natural to slip into a lull after living on a natural high for so long.
At some point the human-side takes over for a bit. We all become a bit lax and comfortable when things become "easy." Well I was at that point.
At some point the human-side takes over for a bit. We all become a bit lax and comfortable when things become "easy." Well I was at that point.
At that moment, I was reminded of a previous blogpost where I addressed this very concept, but from a different vantage point. By the description in that post, I had begun to sink and didn't even know it yet.
I'm pleased to report that I've picked up my pace and I am now verging on taking my doggie paddle pace into swim-mode again. I know I wouldn't have caught the sinking until much later, had it not been for my personal development efforts keeping me in check.
I know who I am. I know who (I hope) my spouse and family think I am. I sincerely strive to emulate light and courage. I hope that anyone within my reach can come to see just how important and life changing the power of response, visualization, and perspective can be.
Maintaining personal dignity is at the very core of true success. It is about being able to lay your head down at night and rest at ease, knowing you have done your best to stay true to God, your morals, and those closest to you.
When maintaining your personal dignity in this manner, it is much easier to temper and guide your selfish thoughts, passions, and behaviors in the direction of where freedom, love, and honor reside.
This is a little of what I contemplate when I think on the quote:
"You must be the kind of person your spouse
and family think you are." ~ Unknown